Issue of children with
disabilities became strongly on the table of firms in the world and
international organizations, national societies, including the Arab community,
which has seen over the past twenty years a significant interest in the issue
exceeded talk about it to respond to pictures of different process we have to
move forward another step forward to review what has been until now, especially
in the field of definition issue of children with disabilities on one hand, and
work on the integration of the other hand and expanding forms of integration in
the community to enjoy the rights enjoyed by other children and their duty
towards him as well. I`ve realized that isolating children with disabilities does
not solve their problem, but not held by the society are exempt from the face
of responsibility about Children with disabilities, human beings, and their
loved livers, even if they differ from the others in one way or another. This
difference can be dealt with. It is located and normally even in normal
children, the energy and talents vary, and no child is consistent with the
other or even with him in everything. The child with a disability on one hand
can be offset this disability, on the other hand, it is right on the community
to enjoy the rights enjoyed by others, and isolation deprives children with
disabilities of their rights and deprives society of energies that appear and
grow in kindergartens, schools and universities, clubs and vocational training
centers and cultural institutions different. With this in mind the complexity
of the preparatory workshop for the project to integrate the Arab child with a
disability in education and society in Cairo during the period from 2 to
November 3, 2013.