Perhaps the wide
spread interest and great in the field of education has become of the basics
that are relied upon to provide various services for people with disabilities
and learning difficulties, and with the development and technological
revolution experienced by the world, whether in the use of means and media
knowledge, information exchange and communication between different cultures
and societies it has become necessary to introduce that development in the area
of &S203;&S203;service for persons with disabilities and learning difficulties, to
facilitate the follow-up process and keep abreast of developments and to make
these individuals have more ability to integrate with their communities, and to
make them more capable of effective participation in processes for paper and
the progress of society in which they live, and therefore the positive impact
on various aspects of their lives to integrate them with Other members of the
community. In the context of attention to the regional center for the
development of educational software - After the remarkable success of its world
first - heading the regional center for the development of educational software
in collaboration with the Center for Education and Evaluation of the child towards
the organization of the Second World Conference of Information and
Communication Technology in the service of people with disabilities and
learning difficulties, under the slogan "Technology ... the prospects and
solutions "during the period from May 26 to 28, 2014, in implementation of
the recommendations of the conference referred to, which confirmed the
continuity of this conference on a regular basis and the participation of all
sides and centers related with the development of programs and courses,
workshops and meetings specialist in this area. .